ll Jakarta – Dalam rangka memperingati Hari Disabilitas Internasional yang jatuh setiap tanggal 3 Desember, diselenggarakan acara spesial bertajuk “Sport With Disabilities”. Kegiatan ini menggabungkan aktivitas jalan santai dan senam bersama dengan serangkaian kegiatan sosial dan edukatif, bertujuan untuk memperkuat solidaritas serta meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat terhadap hak-hak dan potensi penyandang disabilitas.
Acara ini digelar pada Sabtu 7 Desember 2024 di Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII), Jakarta, dengan agenda utama yakni jalan santai dan senam bersama, pemeriksaan kesehatan gratis, pembagian sembako dan asuransi kecelakaan, bazar UMKM dari kalangan disabilitas, serta Talkshow inspiratif mengenai isu-isu disabilitas dan olahraga adaptif.
Kegiatan ini terlaksana atas kolaborasi Adhyaksa Runner dan berbagai komunitas umum yang peduli penyandang disabilitas bekerja sama dengan Komunitas Penyandang Disabilitas, Asosiasi Olahraga Disabilitas dan Sekolah Luar Biasa (SLB) se-DKI Jakarta, serta didukung oleh Organisasi Matahari Pagi Indonesia.
Terdapat tamu utama yang turut hadir dalam acara ini yakni Jaksa Agung Muda Intelijen Prof. Reda Manthovani selaku Pembina Komunitas Adhyaksa Runner, Utusan Khusus Presiden Bidang Pembinaan Generasi Muda dan Pekerja Seni Raffi Ahmad, Pegiat Sosial Jusuf Hamka dan Wakil Kepala Badan Penyelenggara Haji sekaligus Ketua Majelis Pertimbangan Matahari Pagi Indonesia Danhil Anzar Simanjuntak.
Peserta kegiatan mendapatkan seragam acara (kaos, topi, kartu identitas) dan akses gratis ke seluruh area TMII. Selain itu, acara ini dilengkapi dengan fasilitas keamanan, layanan P3K, serta dukungan asuransi kecelakaan oleh Jasa Raharja Putera.
Kegiatan ini tidak hanya menitikberatkan pentingnya olahraga bagi kesehatan fisik, mental, dan sosial penyandang disabilitas, tetapi juga memberi ruang untuk memperkenalkan berbagai cabang olahraga adaptif yang dapat membawa penyandang disabilitas ke tingkat prestasi nasional hingga internasional.
Kegiatan ini turut dihadiri oleh beberapa figur publik yakni Pengusaha Tomy Winata, Pengacara Hotman Paris Hutapea, Anggota DPR RI Uya Kuya, Astrid Uya, Oliviamata Allan Sumargo, serta pengisi acara yakni Putri Ariani, Nella Kharisma, dan DJ Claudea. (K.3.3.1)
Hey everyone! I recently discovered something that has completely transformed my mornings—Cinnamon Coffee. I’m not exaggerating when I say this little tweak has made my daily cup of joe not only more delicious but also healthier.
First of all, let’s talk about the benefits. Cinnamon is packed with antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties, which can support your immune system and even stabilize blood sugar levels. But here’s the kicker—it’s a game-changer for weight loss! If you’re wondering, “How much cinnamon in coffee for weight loss?” the sweet spot (pun intended) is around half a teaspoon. Too much can overpower your coffee, so keep it subtle.
Making it is super easy, and I’ve got a quick recipe for you: Brew your coffee as usual, then stir in ? teaspoon of ground cinnamon (you can adjust to taste). For a creamier texture, blend it with a splash of almond milk or a dollop of frothy cream. Trust me, it’s heavenly!
Cinnamon coffee doesn’t just taste amazing—it makes me feel amazing. It curbs my sugar cravings, keeps me energized, and adds a cozy, aromatic kick to my mornings. Plus, it feels like a fancy cafe drink, but without the hefty price tag.
If you’re looking for a natural way to spice up your coffee routine and reap some health perks along the way, give cinnamon coffee a try. You’ll thank me later! Have you tried it? Share your favorite variations or tips below—I’d love to hear how you enjoy it! ??
Hey everyone! I recently discovered something that has completely transformed my mornings—Cinnamon Coffee. I’m not exaggerating when I say this little tweak has made my daily cup of joe not only more delicious but also healthier.
First of all, let’s talk about the benefits. Cinnamon is packed with antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties, which can support your immune system and even stabilize blood sugar levels. But here’s the kicker—it’s a game-changer for weight loss! If you’re wondering, “How much cinnamon in coffee for weight loss?” the sweet spot (pun intended) is around half a teaspoon. Too much can overpower your coffee, so keep it subtle.
Making it is super easy, and I’ve got a quick recipe for you: Brew your coffee as usual, then stir in ? teaspoon of ground cinnamon (you can adjust to taste). For a creamier texture, blend it with a splash of almond milk or a dollop of frothy cream. Trust me, it’s heavenly!
Cinnamon coffee doesn’t just taste amazing—it makes me feel amazing. It curbs my sugar cravings, keeps me energized, and adds a cozy, aromatic kick to my mornings. Plus, it feels like a fancy cafe drink, but without the hefty price tag.
If you’re looking for a natural way to spice up your coffee routine and reap some health perks along the way, give cinnamon coffee a try. You’ll thank me later! Have you tried it? Share your favorite variations or tips below—I’d love to hear how you enjoy it! ??